Hands-on learning for cultural continuity

»»» Empowering practitioners with a deeper connection to culture and community

The Producers Network for Cultural Artisans was a program established in 2018 to teach traditional Hawaiian crafts — like making cordage, shell jewelry, lei, kapa, net, ipu, and lau hala — to the community. Through a series of classes and workshops, the Producers Network brought people together to learn, commune, and do. The program has hosted several moena (lau hala mat) retreats in Waialua, where participants had the rare opportunity to repair large floor mats. Owing to the success and demand of the program, in 2019, it morphed into KĪPUKA, a community makers space at Ward Centre in Honolulu, where practitioners can gather, host classes, and work on their craft. KĪPUKA is presented in collaboration with Nā Mea Hawaiʻi.

We are located just a few doors down ʻEwa from Nā Mea Hawaiʻi at Ward Centre.

Classes and special workshops at KīPUKA vary from month to month.
Click the button to the left to see the current calendar and book a workshop.

KĪPUKA is supported by Nā Mea Hawai‘i, and has received additional support provided by the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority and Cooke Family Foundation.